Sirio Nagro

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Sirio Nagro, a guitarist from Padua, class of ’95, was formed starting with the study of classical guitar with Paolo Muggia as a mentor, later switching to acoustic and then to electric. The study in private schools lasts around 7 years and then begins a long period as a self-taught musician, where the experiences with other musicians form him, in particular the one lived on the street with the Collettivo Autonomo Trascendente, underground reality from which later will be born Il Fulcro, tribal psychedelic rock band that became part of that lively psychedelic scene that flourished between the Euganean and Paduan area that sees among the top bands such as Jennifer Gentle and Mamuthones.
In this context was born an interest in improvised music, timbral research and sound explorations with multiple pedal effects. This interest was able to find fertile ground in the context of DOOOM where to this day the work continues.
During the same period he also attended the conservatory of jazz guitar in Castelfranco. Currently, in addition to the mentioned projects, he plays baritone guitar in the jam band UHR (Unconventional Horny Rumors) a project with punk jazz, no wave, dnb and funk-stoner tendencies and whose solo “voice” sees the alternation of DOOOM’s horns, Jacopo Giacomoni and Francesco Salmaso (alto and tenor sax respectively).